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Revision On John Mahama's Address To The Nation

The flag bearer for the National Democratic Congress, His Excellency the formal President John Dramani Mahama eventually came out with his decision to finalize his petition for the Election 2020 protest against the Electoral Commission and Nana Addo Danqua Akuffo Addo.

He said " Whenever we decide to take the easy road, the first step is always to surrender. And often, the thing that we lose is the very thing that we value the most, The freedom that we enjoy today was not given on a silver platter, It came at a price. "

" It came because our forefathers and mothers stood on principle. Our history books are filled with the names of individuals who refused to take the road that was the easiest, or safest, or most convenient. "

" They refused to surrender their ability to appeal for justice in a land where they were meant to have a voice and use it for the betterment of themselves and their children and future generations. "

Those who would judge us merely the heights we have achieved would do well to remember the depths from which we started. "

He insist that, " Among other things, the petition is seeking a declaration to the effect that, the purported declaration of the results of the 2020 Presidential Election on the 9th day of December 2020 is unconstitutional, null and void and of no effect whatsoever.

Mahama concludes that, The NDC protest against the Electoral commission in Supreme Court will be held on January 19, also both the NDC government and supporters will be embarking on their lawyer to help them Attain their success within both parliamentary and presidential seats throughout the Nation


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